10 Things To Get Rid Of For A Clutter Free Home In 2020
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Clutter stresses me out.
Anyone else?
I think it is pretty common that having a lot of extra, unused items all over the place while you are trying to think and get stuff done, can be stressful.
I definitely can’t stay focused or productive as well with clutter around for sure!
One sure fire way to make sure I get nothing done because I’m too flustered to think is to tell me to make dinner with the counters filled with dishes and the floor covered with all the pieces from a huge toy set!
My husband can’t stand it either, even more so than me!
I am shocked at the amount of things I can consistently bring to the thrift store and still have more clutter to go through. It is a full time job!
I am convinced that if I didn’t stay on top of it, we would be the next ones on the hoarders TV show.
I have gotten even more committed to getting the clutter out of our lives after reading Marie Kondo’s book: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. This book is basically about only keeping in your home things that inspire joy.
Although I am a pretty efficient junk clearer there are still several things I would like to donate to our local thrift store in 2020.
10 Things To Get Rid Of For A Clutter Free Home
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Clothes That You Haven’t Worn For Over A Year
If I haven’t worn something for all 4 seasons then it’s a good idea to think about tossing it. If it wasn’t stylish this summer, why would it be next summer? Things that get boring to us and go out of style so fast, are unlikely to be worn again.
Plus, if you clear out the clothing items in your closet that you don’t enjoy wearing, you’ll be able to find the ones you do enjoy! A lot of times our special, all-time-favorites get buried in the chaos of clothes, then we don’t get to feel the joy of those to their full potential.
Even if I can see it there, just having so many options is too stressful for me.
No thank you!

Random Cords + Chargers
How do I end up owning so many random cords and chargers??
Someone please explain this to me.
And tell me I’m not the only one who has a basket of electronic accessories that I’ve slowly acquired over the years, and now have no idea what they go to, but have still been keeping them because the thing they go to might suddenly desperately need them?
All I really need is the cords to the things that are being used now and one to two chargers for each phone. You can buy new cords for things at walmart for less than 10 bucks most of the time.
Basically think of it as you paying them a small fee to store it at their store, instead of you keeping it. Having it take up precious space. Stressing you out. And risking the fact that most likely, by the time you need it, it’ll have gotten lost and you’ll have to buy another one anyway.
Toys That Have Missing Pieces
I clean up Sofia’s toys so many times a day.
I don’t know why, because a lot of times she takes them out as I put them in, so it’s pointless.
But I so enjoy having all the toys in their bin, and all the toys with a bunch of parts and pieces gathered together.
It makes my slightly OCD brain happy.
I put the stacking blocks in the basket, a couple Montessori counting chips back in their bag, half of a colored counting egg in it’s carton, and a stacking ring back on the stand. Ahh!
Kids do not need a lot of toys.
In fact, I’m convinced that the best toys are rocks and sticks and mud.
I feel like, especially toys that are broken or missing pieces, should not be allowed to stick around and stress me out.
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Gifts That You Don’t Use Or Enjoy
This is a controversial one.
But I love the perspective that Marie Kondo gives in her book. She rationalizes it so perfectly.
Think of the moment when the person gave you the gift. Think of the joy it brought them to give it to you and see the excitement and appreciation on your face.
That right there was the purpose of the gift.
That moment.
Now that the moment has passed, the gift has served its purpose and you are free to discard it.
Plus, imagine if the person who gifted the item knew that it was causing any sort of stress. I’m sure they would just want you to give it away to someone who will enjoy it more, and who will get the full use out of it.

CDs + DVDs
These are so yesterday.
I don’t know if they even make these anymore! haha
Now that Netflix and Amazon Prime are getting so popular, and they have every movie, TV show and song you could ever want to watch or listen to, it could be time to toss the old CDs and DVDs.
Imagine the space in your home that will create, to have all your favorite movies and such taking up literally no physical space by being online!
Knickknacks That Don’t Bring You Joy
I am not a knickknack person!
I despise them.
All that dusting! You have to pick up each individual little knickknack and dust over and under it!
But…I know a lot of people are knickknack people, and that is totally ok! Especially if you don’t mind the meticulous dusting involved.
Just make sure that the knickknacks, or any decor in your home is actually bringing you joy. Having decorations around that are just ok, that don’t spark a bit of joy when you see them as you walk by, are useless.
They just take up space in you home and mind.
So they can be donated, and someone who does find joy in them, can set them up somewhere in their home!

Books That You Hope To Read Someday
Isn’t it so disappointing to constantly be walking by a shelf full of things that you hope to do someday, but just don’t have the time?
That’s what I feel like a shelf full of books, that you say you’ll read someday, is.
It is just sitting there taunting us!
Unless you truly like the way they look on the shelf, they are literally pointless.
If you ever actually do decide you want to read a certain book at a future date, which is unlikely to happen if you haven’t read it already, you can always buy the ebook for $10, or go to the library. Or, even buy it as an audio book and listen to it while you work! That is an excellent way to get those books listened to!
Fancy Rarely Used Dishes
Ya know that box of fancy china sitting in the storage room, never being used, because no company is worthy of it?
You are never getting any of the joy out of using those lovely dishes!
I love using pretty dishes for more everyday stuff.
Yes, it is more likely to break, but at least I enjoyed using it before then.
And if I’m not going to enjoy them, I certainly don’t want them taking up my space!

Extra Bowls + Plates
When is the last time you had 30 guests over for dinner?
If you’re like me, the answer is never. In the unforeseen case you would have a large gathering, you could always use paper plates or bowls.
Also, if you ever need to get more dishes for some reason, they are super cheap at the thrift store.
When you have to shuffle things around every time you put away the dishes, or you can go 5 days without washing any plates, it is time to do some decluttering.
Don’t keep em around “just in case”.

Craft Supplies
This might seem like a weird one for me, because I love crafts and DIYing.
But sometimes I get the materials for a project that I think I’ll eventually have time for someday, but then it just sits there for ages until I realize I’m too busy.
Or I save scraps from previous projects, thinking, “surely I can use this for something someday! I don’t want to waste it!”
But believe me, it’s more likely that I’ll forget that random jar of buttons or pile of scrap fabric is even there. Then I’ll end up buying new stuff anyway.
If you do end up with some extra time 8 years down the road, you can go buy yarn and a crochet hook for under $25. Imagine how many times you would have to move, rearrange and organize your craft supplies between now and then. Would that time consuming work be worth $25 to you?

A Few More Tips…
Analyze the items you own
Minimalism is a way of life. As you walk around your home, notice the items you have. Do they bring you joy? Or do they serve a specific purpose? If it doesn’t fit under either of those categories, then it is safe to donate.
I have a donation bag sitting by our front door, and as I walk around the house, if I notice something that can go, I take it straight to the donation bag. I don’t want it to sit on the table for awhile, then move to the couch, then back to the counter, then eventually end up back in the rotation of household items. While I’m motivated to donate it, it goes in the bag so that I don’t forget to actually get rid of it.
I do have some days where I go on a purging spree and make a big deal of finding all the things to donate in nooks and crannies of the house. But for the most part, it is just a way of life. That I look at our belongings through different eyes. That way I can keep the clutter from becoming too overwhelming.
Start Now!
Also, don’t wait until the “perfect time” to start this process. Don’t wait till you have time. Or until the stars align.
I’ve seen several people fall into this trap of waiting until its easy. And then it just never gets done. The longer you procrastinate, the harder it will be to start.
You just need to be intentional and consistent.
Try To Sell Some Of It
Try to sell the more valuable things you’re getting rid of first. Great places to try to sell used items are Facebook marketplace and local buy, sell trade groups, Craigslist, and Ebay. But if they don’t go right away, it is still important to get them out of your house. Don’t let the task of getting the full amount every little thing is worth get in the way of leading a simple minimalist lifestyle. Having a home that is tidy and doesn’t stress you out is more important.
I’ve let that happen to me more times than I care to admit.
My thrifty, money-saving, spirit gets in my way sometimes.
Now you go do some decluttering of your own!
And blessings.
Pin it for later!

excellent post. I love all of these ideas. I think it’s a good idea to go through this list about two times a year. Meaning, i think it’s time for me to do this!
Yeah it’s easy to neglect it and let the clutter build up. Gotta be constantly on guard of things to get rid of 🙂
That was a great read! VERY Inspiring. Decluttering is something i always need a push on , so thank you for your words.
Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Yes I agree, it’s easy to forget about and then after awhile you look around and everything is piling up!