The local farmer’s market has always been one of my favorite places to visit on weekends. There is just such neat community there. Such like-minded people. I love supporting our local farmers and entrepreneurs! We recently started doing some of our local markets. Most of the time we are at the Hamilton farmer’s market, and…
Our New Homestead
This spring we purchased our first house! It is a little 1200 sq ft, two story house that we are going to remodel. It is defiinitely in rough shape but we are enjoying making it our own. When we first moved in the entire downstairs was carpeted in this old grey carpet…yes, even the kitchen…
Egg Custard Recipe
Egg Custard Recipe. A super simple and yet delicious and nutrient dense dessert that utilizes plenty of pastured eggs and raw milk! This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here. Egg Custard Recipe Ingredients: Step one: Separate the egg yolks from the whites and set aside. Step two: Fill the bottom pan…
Bulletproof Peppermint Mocha
Bulletproof Peppermint Mocha. This is a super easy and delicious winter coffee recipe packed full of healthy ingredients! This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here. Every time the Christmas season rolls around, I start to crave peppermint mochas. Ahh, yum! Well, I do confess that I drink them year round –…
DIY Dried Orange Slices
This week we harvested our very first Christmas tree together! It’s a cute little one that won’t take up much space in our apartment. I’ve been working on making some homemade ornaments for it. One of my favorites of all the ornaments I made for it are the dried orange slices. They just add so…
Making & Canning Roasted Tomato Sauce
Hey y’all! I have found my all time favorite way to make tomato sauce! When I roast my tomatoes it gives them this amazing rich flavor that you just can’t beat! Plus, roasting the tomatoes makes the skin peel on its own without any blanching. The roasting concentrates the juices and caramelizes the sugars in…
How To Can Pears
Here is a really easy recipe for canning your pears! Pears happen to be Luke’s favorite canned fruit so I made a lot of it!  It’s always so fun to sit and cut up pears while you listen to your favorite podcast (currently Living Homegrown) or watching your favorite show (Call The Midwife). Here’s…
How To Can Raspberries
Tis’ the time of year for canning! And I have become almost canning obsessed! Me and grandma made a day of it by canning some raspberries the other week! This is a wonderful recipe recommended by our friend Wendy. It’s super simple and quick and I absolutely loved the results! You will need: Raspberries Water…
How To Season Cast Iron
Cast iron is officially my favorite kitchenware. Like most of the good things in life, seasoning a cast iron pan and getting the perfect coating takes patience, a little work and a lot of love. It’s definitely worth it to spend a little more time taking care of your cast iron to have higher quality…
How To Dry Herbs + Spices
Do you grow fresh herbs in your garden or have some naturally growing in your backyard? You can easily preserve some of the extra herbs and have them on hand for use all year! I personally love using and experimenting with a lot of herbs and spices in my cooking, and especially when I’ve harvested…