Charlotte | Our first milk cow. Meet Charlotte and hear about all my grand plans for our milk cow business and butter-making!
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One of my life dreams came true this week.
It came pretty unexpectedly.
We weren’t planning on getting a milk cow this year.
Life is already so busy and we are planning a long-needed trip this winter.
But when I saw that Luke’s cousin was selling one of their milk cows I texted her.
And from there unfolded a chain of events that ended up with a milk cow in our front yard.

Charlotte | Our first milk cow
Charlotte is a 5 year old Brown Swiss / Jersey cross. She produces the easily-digestible A2/A2 milk. Last year she had twins and did amazing with the birth all on her own, was an amazing milk producer with creamy delicious milk.
We have had her home for two days now and already I can tell she is such a sweetheart. I feel bad because she is a little sad for her calf from last year and misses her old home. But she comes running when she sees me and loves to get scratches. She also stands and lets me pet all over her belly and brush over her udder. I’ve heard some cows can be pretty grumpy about having that touched when they aren’t in milk or in the stanchion.
Honestly, I don’t know really much of anything about milk cows. So this is as new for me as you all reading along!
But so far she seems like just about the perfect cow to have started out with.

I am seriously in love with her already.
I can’t wait to milk her every day and spend that much time out there!
A long-time dream
When we lived in our little studio apartment in the city, when we were first married, I dreamed about someday getting my very own milk cow.
I’d work, and hustle, and dream.
Dream about living in an old farmhouse, on a bunch of acreage, with a little passle of children underfoot. Walking out with my bucket to go milk our cow. Passing by the chickens pecking and scratching at the ground. A sheep or two following along behind, hoping there was grain in the bucket. Big guard dogs patrolling around the children. It has all come true. Every bit of it.
Sometimes I honestly can’t believe it.
God has blessed us so very much!
So much to learn
These past few days have been chock full of dairy cow research.
I’ve talked to so many experienced milk cow owners on the phone and picked their brains.
It seems that every time I talk to someone it makes me realize how little I know about this right now. But I love all this learning! I have a list of things I need to get for her to be prepared for calving, I need to get more jars, some giant stainless steel buckets. I need to watch a bunch of videos on what to look out for health wise with her. Milk fever, mastitis, I need to get keto-strips to test for ketosis. It’s never-ending!
Partly I feel like I just need to get started, then I won’t feel so worried. At least for my personality, do-ing is the best cure for anxiety.
I will surely die of excitement when she has her calf!
Stick around for more blog posts about our new journey with a milk cow.
And blessings!
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How exciting! Congratulations! This is a dream of mine too. I have a friend with a milk cow course on Instagram (Vaughan_family_farm) and she also highly recommends The Family Milk Cow book. Looking forward to hearing more about your journey!