I love plantain. Absolutely love it!
Most people think of it as a weed, unfortunately. The leaves are actually edible and somewhat similar to spinach, though slightly more bitter. They can be used in salads or other foods.
It can also be used it for insect and snake bites, and as a remedy for rashes and cuts. Not only does it sooth the wound, but it also draws the poison out.
When we get stung by bees, bitten by mosquitoes, spiders or other insects, I use a tincture made with the plantain leaf (or just chew the leaves and apply to the bite) to help ease the reaction.
I have heard that a tea or infusion of the leaf can be poured into the ear for ear infections (as long as the ear drum has not burst) to ease the pain and shorten duration of ear infections.
Plantain has so many wonderful benefits and uses!
And quite sadly, we don’t have any of this glorious plant growing by our apartment. So I raided my grandmother’s pasture and got a nice stash to make a tincture with! Make sure you are harvesting the plantain from somewhere that has not been sprayed with chemicals!
It is quite easy. Rip them a little bit so they will release their wonderful healing properties easier. Place them all in a jar and smash them down as best you can. Then pour apple cider vinegar in until it covers all the leaves.
Put the lid on the jar and place in a cool dark place for about 3 weeks. After 3 weeks, strain the leaves out and keep the liquid.
And there ya go! Easy peasy!
How much or how often would you use the tincture? Say you got a cut and you want to use the tincture do you just use a dropper or would you wet a bandage? Super curious about the use of this plant