Prenatal vitamin regimen. What I’m taking this pregnancy as more whole food ancestral supplemental nutrition for my fourth baby.
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This pregnancy I have been so much more on top of my game with nutrition.
Each pregnancy I learn more and more about diet, supplements, nutrition, etc.
And as I’ve learned more and more I’ve slowly switched my whole supplement regimen over to single supplements instead of just taking one synthetic multivitamin.

With both Sofia and Dimi’s pregnancies I just took a basic prenatal. At least I made sure it had methyl folate instead of folic acid. But that’s just the very basics.
Now with taking single supplements I can narrow down what I need more of easier. And adjust accordingly.
I knew I was coming into this pregnancy with low iron from my miscarriage in December. So I needed to make sure to take a full dose of liver or multi-organs along with acerola powder (vitamin C) to help absorption. When I notice muscle cramps I adjust my magnesium and the cramps go away. I took extra B complex at the beginning of the pregnancy especially to help relieve my morning sickness nausea.
We aren’t all cookie cutter people who need the exact same amount of every vitamin and mineral. That’s why multivitamins and prenatal vitamins usually aren’t ideal. We are all so individual.
Having bloodwork done with a naturopath is ideal. But if not, there are some basic supplements that most women would see improvement from. Of course listen to your intuition though. If you try a supplement and don’t feel good on it then stop taking it. Or start with a smaller dose and work up.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. This is just what I take personally.
Prenatal vitamin regimen
I have taken multi-organs for the majority of this pregnancy. Those have liver, heart, spleen, kidney, pancreas, and thymus. They did just launch a female cycle support organ blend as well that I switched to this week. But I think I will just take a mix of them. I’ll do a half dose of each.

For all of these supplements from Perfect Supplements you can get a bulk discount. I always order a bunch at once to save money. If you order three at once you save 20%, and six at once saves 25%. Plus you can stack my discount code WILSONHOMESTEAD on top of that for an additional 10% off. Up to 35% off total!
Also, then you’re stocked up for a good long time and don’t have to worry about re-ordering for a bit.
Type II collagen

This is my go-to joint supplement. I get a lot of hip and pelvic pain during pregnancies. As I get closer to the end especially.
Yes I do try to drink a lot of bone broth and eat good nourishing homemade soups. But sometimes you just need a bigger more concentrated dose. I notice a big difference from this vs. just drinking bone broth only.
Several friends had talked about how it had helped them with various bone / joint pains. So I decided to try it. I am about 32 weeks pregnant at the point I wrote this and I’ve had substantially less hip and pelvic pain this pregnancy compared to the other ones.
Cod liver oil
I shared a whole blog post about the benefits of cod liver oil in THIS POST here. I’ve taken it for years to help with my autoimmune thyroid issues and to lower inflammation. But it has so many amazing benefits for pregnancy as well.
This one is super important! This is what I take for vitamin C. It’s a whole food form.
Vitamin C is so important for so many things as you all know. Even just for a healthy immune system.
But it also helps you absorb your other supplements better. So you are getting more bang for your buck. Particularly the organ and collagen supplements I always make sure to take Acerola powder along with them.

This is what I take for minerals.
This shilajit has humic and fulvic acid as well as 85 ionic trace minerals.
Pregnancy can deplete your minerals so fast. I had so much trouble with my teeth during Vivian’s pregnancy due to de-mineralization.
I found this brand of shilajit partway through my first trimester and started taking them right away! I’ve really been happy with how I’ve felt on this. I haven’t had any tooth de-mineralization also. I just went to the dentist and he said my teeth are looking excellent. Which made me very happy to hear.
It’s probably from a combination of better diet but then also supplementing with minerals to help replace what the baby is taking.

Code WILSONHOMESTEAD saves 10% on the shilajit.
Pregnancy always brings lots of muscle cramps and restless leg syndrome at night for me.
Magnesium is really the only thing I’ve found to help with those issues.
I take four capsules of this magnesium from LifeBlud once a day usually with dinner. If I do that consistently I have almost no issues. But if I do have an occasional night with restless legs still then I’ll spray some magnesium oil from Mitigate Stress on topically and go back to sleep.
Taking magnesium also helped a bit with nausea during the first trimester.
Code WILSONHOMESTEAD saves 10% on the magnesium and also this next B complex.
B complex
B complex was also a huge help with morning sickness nausea. Out of everything I’ve ever tried for pregnancy nausea this has made the biggest difference! I could hardly believe it.
I didn’t really get nausea until 7 or 8 weeks pregnant. But I was taking this super consistently and then right around 7 weeks I ran out and had forgotten to order more. So I was without it for over 2 weeks because they were out of stock. My nausea hit so fast after that, and got so intense. Then when I finally got more it didn’t make the nausea go away completely but it took it down several notches.
I am so curious if I had kept up with it and not run out if I could have kept the morning sickness away completely! I’ll definitely be trying that next pregnancy!
Vitamin E
Like most of these, this is one I take even when I’m not pregnant. When I first started on it it was just because being on it helped me tan instead of burning in the sun. I was amazed at the difference! Since then though I have learned so many other amazing things about vitamin E and it’s benefits.
This is an essential fat-soluble micronutrient. And fat soluble vitamins like E play a huge role in women’s health. It helps with menstruation and ovulation even, so this would be one important to take pre-conception as well! It can help reduce the risk of pregnancy complications involving oxidative stress. Not only that, but a deficiency of vitamin E can cause infertility, miscarriage, premature delivery, and other issues associated with reproduction.
Vitamin K
This is another one I got on after my third, Vivian was born. Particularly for tooth health.
I wish I had known to take it with all of my pregnancies. Maybe then I could have avoided some of my dental issues that were caused by de-mineralization from close pregnancies.
Oh well, at least I know about it now and I’ve taken it religiously.
I also am especially sure to take it along with this next supplement I’ll be talking about: baby aspirin. Because aspirin can thin your blood, so vitamin K can help counteract that.
Baby aspirin
This one may surprise some of you. It doesn’t necessarily sound like something super holistic to be taking during pregnancy. Both my naturopath and midwife advised me to get on this as soon as I found out I was pregnant. With my last miscarriage in December they wanted me to be on this preventatively. Baby aspirin has many surprising benefits for pregnancy. But the main one that can help prevent miscarriage is that it increases blood flow to the placenta and baby. You can take it through the whole pregnancy, but it’s most important in the first trimester.
Code wilsonhomestead saves 10%
I hope it was helpful to see my prenatal vitamin regimen, and maybe gave you some ideas of what you might want to take during your next pregnancy as well!
And blessings!
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