14 Simple Ways to Add Farmhouse Style to Any Kitchen. Finding easy ways to make your kitchen feel more like a farmhouse before it’s remodeled.
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Not all of the kitchens we’ve had, have been remodeled or farmhouse “style” at all.
But that is for sure my favorite style.
I love the farmhouse look.
I betcha couldn’t tell. Ha!
The kitchen we remodeled in our last house was amazing. Exactly to my style.
But we sold that place soon after it was done so we could buy this bigger piece of land.
Totally worth it. But my current kitchen isn’t my style at all.
So you make do how you can! You adjust and make it homey and as much your style as you can, and you practice contentment.
Someday we will be ready to remodel, and it will be freaking fabulous! But for now, I have layered in quite a few “farmhousey” elements to make it fun to be in and cook in.
I think that’s important. Don’t go thinking it’s frivolous or doesn’t matter. You need to enjoy being in your kitchen as much as possible, you have to cook three meals a day in it! There is a balance to be found in being content until you can make bigger changes, and doing small things now to greatly increase your enjoyment of your daily tasks.
Don’t underestimate how much beauty can motivate us.
14 Simple Ways to Add Farmhouse Style to Any Kitchen
1. Change cabinet and wall color
This is probably the biggest / most expensive change on this whole list.
But if you can possibly afford to paint your cabinets especially, that’ll make a huge difference.
I usually recommend just a white or creamy white. Then the whole kitchen looks nice and clean and cozy and it makes your other elements really pop out.
I would totally do this in ours if we weren’t going to rip out the cabinets in the next year or two. I’m not sure it’s worth going to all the work at this point. But they are a horrid old stained wooden color and it’s too much of a dark saturated color, it drowns everything else out.
I love the idea of doing the lower cabinets something different, like an olive green, and then everything else white.

Photo credit: domino
Beautiful! *chef’s kiss*
2. Linens
Linens are functional to have around and they add a cozy and farmhouse-like vibe as well. Antique tablecloth on the table or linen pin-striped hand towels folded up on the counter!
3. Hang up functional items on the wall
Y’all know I love to display items that I not only use constantly, but that look attractive up on the wall. Things like cast iron pans, aren’t necessarily “pretty” but they have a really distinct farmhouse feel to them. So they’re handy for me to be using three times a day, and they make my kitchen feel more like a functional and rustic farmhouse.

4. Food
Food is something that can really quickly and easily bring an element of abundance to your kitchen. Let you farm fresh (unwashed) eggs sit out on the counter in a pretty bowl. Squash and yams in a big bowl. Put all your fresh fruit in another big bowl, oranges, bananas, apples, etc.
It brings a pop of something natural to the kitchen and makes anything feel possible when it comes to working in your kitchen.
No, you won’t use bananas or oranges in dinner most likely, but it makes dinner feel more possible to make.

5. Open shelving

With this you can showcase any functional items that can also double as decor items. I wouldn’t store cans of food from the store or any kitchen items that look cluttered. You want to be more selective with what you keep there. But the bonus of that, is that your functional items will not only be working as decor, but also are more accessible with you not having to open cabinet doors.
I love storing home-canned goods, a white minimalist set of plates, bowls, mugs, any pottery, vases, pitchers, etc on open shelves.
6. Home preserved foods
This is similar to displaying fresh food, like fruits and such, but it can be a bit more permanent because it doesn’t go bad. Jars of home-canned food are beautiful. They are satisfying to look at, remembering back on all the hard work that went into each jar. Not only canning the food, but also way back when you were harvesting that food from your garden. This one definitely brings in a strong feel of a functional farmhouse kitchen.

7. Antique paintings & decor
Artwork like this isn’t as common inside kitchens, at least ones that I see regularly. But I love the look of just one or two really cute framed pieces of artwork off somewhere they won’t get splattered with grease of course. I might not put them right above the stove, I like to hang plates there because you can just dunk them in water and scrub them off when they get greasy. But off somewhere that’s safer for them, they’ll bring in a really antique farmhouse feel depending on what piece you choose.

8. Hang up some china plates
I love hanging plates around the whole house, but especially in the kitchen. I have quite a few bigger serving plates that I hang up to enjoy most of the time, and then I’ll take them down and wash them thoroughly before I use them to serve some sort of food at a gathering.
9. Natural elements
If you’re someone like me who likes drying my own herbs then you may have these hanging somewhere anyway to airdry for a bit. Why not hang them somewhere really obvious so you can enjoy looking at them while they dry?

That adds the most lovely rustic feel to your kitchen, in my opinion!
10. Hooks and wooden racks
Adding some antique type hooks or wooden racks (I especially love those accordion racks) is perfect! They look rustic and “farmhousey” and you can use them for a little storage to hang things on. Hang some pots or pans, hang your aprons, hang some bunches of herbs drying.
I think that goes for most things that make your kitchen feel like a farmhouse, is that they are funtional. Farmhouses have to be functional and efficient, and sometimes that means hanging the most used items where you can access them really quickly.
11. Antique rugs
I love antique rugs. They are fabulous.
I get handwoven antique rugs from House Of Tocuman and they are so high quality compared to any other rugs I’ve owned. I will never go back to synthetic machine made rugs. Ever. They hold up so well in our really high-traffic areas like the kitchen.
There is a small antique rug right at the sink so I can stand on something soft while I wash dishes, and then a bigger one right outside the kitchen.
I love them so much! They make me so happy every time I see them!

12. Wooden items
Display some wooden items in your kitchen. Prop up a beautiful end-grain cutting board at the back of your counter on the backsplash. Set out some wooden utensils and a wooden rolling pin in a pottery crock and set it by your stovetop. There are so many wooden items in the kitchen that can be displayed, as long as they don’t look too cluttered, to bring in a more rustic feel.
13. Cut floral bouquets & plants
Bring beautiful pops of color and natural elements to your kitchen with potted flowers and houseplants, as well as cut flower bouquets.

14. Soap curing
I know not everyone makes their own soap, but having a row of rustic soap bars curing really brings a farmhouse feel, and its quite a conversation piece I’ve found!
It is insanely simple to get into making hot process soaps in your crockpot, and then you have a really clean non-toxic soap for your family to use. I like to let mine cure out in the air for awhile before I put them in their bin and seal them up.

I hope those 14 simple ways to add farmhouse style to any kitchen were inspiring to you!
And blessings!
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Simple Ways to Add Farmhouse Style to Any Kitchen
Simple Ways to Add Farmhouse Style to Any Kitchen
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