We Sold Our Homestead. Hear about all our new adventures coming up, moving across the country, becoming debt free, starting all over again!
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We have done something a bit bold, you might say.
We sold our homestead in Montana, and we are moving across the country to east Texas.
I’ll let that sink in just a moment. Cause I know that sounds crazy and like we may have lost all our marbles.
But I promise it’s for all good reasons.

Why are we doing this?
It’s been a goal of ours for awhile to be 100% debt free. But we knew that dream was years away because land where we live in Montana is so expensive.
This fall as the weather started to cool down, I suddenly had a thought. I said to Luke “why don’t we move somewhere warmer”. He said “let’s do it!”, kind of jokingly. But that started the ball rolling. We looked into different states and we just realized that so many other beautiful places are so much more affordable to live in.
First, we searched for CREC reformed churches across the country, because church is the most important thing for us when thinking about where to move. We won’t move somewhere that doesn’t have a good solid church to join.
Then once we had those all found, we searched by the kind of climate we wanted. We all just really hate the cold. Here in Montana it is too cold to want to go outside 7 months out of the year. It just had suddenly hit us, that we were free to live somewhere else with warmer weather! I don’t know why we hadn’t thought of it before!
Then we started looking on zillow for properties we could buy with cash. We settled on east Texas, right by the Louisiana boarder. It’s warm and humid there. So much rainfall that no one has to water their pastures. Just beautiful rolling farmland and thick forests.
And we found the perfect property.
The house needs work, but that’s what we were looking for. We wanted something that needed the finishing put on it so we could put our own style in easier without having to rip so much old stuff out.
It’s 20 acres – 8 of that is thick forest and the other 12 is beautiful green pasture with trees dotted throughout. It has a seasonal creek and a year-round pond.
So one of us flew down to Texas to look at it. And it was even better in person. So when we got back home to Mt we put our house on the market and put an offer in on the Texas property. On a side note, it was 80 degrees in TX and when we flew back to MT it was 11 degrees. I was not thrilled.
They accepted our offer! And a month later we had our house under contract. We are now on the home stretch. Inspections and appraisals are all done. We are just franticly selling and packing everything we own like madmen.
And the end of this month, we will officially own a 20 acre homestead completely debt free!
So what’s next?
We won’t be moving out there right away. Not officially until February.
Why, you may ask?
Because we have had a trip to Maui planned this January for almost a year.
So Luke will drive all our earthly belongings down to our new house after we close and then fly back. Then we will be in Maui for THREE WHOLE WEEKS! (I am beyond excited!). And when we come home after vacation, then we will drive the kids, Eleanor the calf, and the dogs down and start our new life in Texas!
I am so excited to bring y’all along the process of moving into our new home and getting everything set up for another milk cow very soon! I’ll also share some photos of our Maui trip too.
Follow along on Instagram to see real time updates!
So that’s my crazy update.
Probably not what you were expecting.
But thats why we sold our homestead in Montana. New adventures on the horizon!
It’s definitely a lot all at once, plus lots of personal things we are dealing with. It’s been a bit overwhelming. But God has blessed us so thoroughly and I see His hand in all of this! He has opened up every single door so easily and lead us in this direction. We just have to be open to following.
And blessings.
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Welcome to Texas!
So excited for y’all! Hope y’all love Texas as much as us Texans do! Welcome home!
I am rejoicing for y’all! Debt free!! What a wonderful feeling! Maui for 3 weeks is amazing! Knowing that the Father has you in His hands, even in the hardships is the best part of it all. Praying as y’all step into this new seasons!!
It sounds like we may be neighbors! We’re in Southeast TX, near Louisiana. And I do believe you might be crazy! We recently moved back to this area after being gone for about 10 years and are having to readjust. Get ready for a culture shock! 😂 We also just helped our son move to Montana. (He does ranch work) I have to say..I’d rather be there than here.🤣