What I’m Loving Spring 2021. Things I’m thankful for and enjoying around our homestead this spring!
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There are a few things lately that I have really been loving.
Of course I love God, my husband and my kids more than anything else. But as I go through different seasons of life there are a few things that I just feel especially thankful for. Things that just really hit the spot as you could say.
This spring has been especially full of stress and craziness with selling our home of three years and buying another house. So I have been really trying to stay in prayer a lot, as well as focusing on little joys. Just simple things. Things that make our life feel a little less hectic.
What I’m Loving Spring 2021
More outdoor time
Being out in nature is good for the soul.
We have been getting out as a family on the weekends to amazing places in the woods more and more as the weather has warmed up. Places in our Bitterroot Valley like Lake Como, Mill Creek Trailhead, or Blodgett overlook. It’s just been such fun quality family time, and also being out of cell service, out in the forest is just grounding in a way that is hard to explain.

My gray apron
I love me a good apron.
When I get dressed in the morning, put up my hair, and tie on my apron in the morning, I feel like I’m ready to take on the day. Like I’m prepared to have a good, productive day.
My aunt (on my husband’s side) recently gave me this cute blue / grayish apron because it was too long for her when it arrived in the mail. Perfect for me though, because I am 6’1. Everyone gives me their clothes that are too long. Bonus!

I looked on Amazon to find this apron, but wasn’t sure which exact one it was, but THIS ONE and THIS ONE look very similar.
Heartfelt Discipline
I’ve always been a book worm. I always have at least 5 books that I’m reading through at a time. I definitely don’t have as much time to read now that we have so many little kids, but I still get in as much as I can.
Lately I’ve been reading through a lot of parenting books. Parenting feels like such a heavy and important job that I am always trying to learn more about it. My sister-in-law recently loaned me this book by Clay Clarkson and I read it through in about 3 days. Then I loved it so much that I ordered my own copy and am reading through it a second time, while underlining and highlighting everywhere.
It has given me so much clarity and peace about Christian parenting questions I’ve struggled with for awhile now. I’m very thankful to have had someone recommend this book to me, and I am going to be loaning it out to all the parents I know, that will be willing to read it!
New plant starts
New life feels full of hope. Like the tiny baby currently growing in my belly. And also like tiny plant starts that will eventually produce food for us in our garden. I always get some garden fever in the spring. Not as badly as my husband does. He is the real gardener. But I love starting a garden, and I love tending and expanding my herb garden every year!
My current favorite start is this lovely lemon balm plant that I am so excited to plant in my herb garden and use medicinally for years to come!

Our yellow front door
Mustard yellow is my favorite color.
It makes me so happy.
So I knew we needed to add some yellow to our house. Someday I would love to paint my kitchen yellow, but for now I settled for painting the front and back door. And I’m obsessed!

Every time I come in and out of the house I see that happy color and it makes me smile!
This is the trinket color from Sherwin Williams.
Doterra Motivate essential oil blend
This pregnant mama, with a toddler and another baby, has definitely been feeling the need for extra motivation lately. So besides my several cups of coffee every day, this Doterra blend has been really fabulous.

Beeswax candles
I know this isn’t necessarily a spring item. Normally you think of glowing cozy candles as something to enjoy during the winter, but I have really been loving them lately!
I found a new source for 100% beeswax candles from Azure Standard that I can use in all my awesome brass candlesticks. Tall candles that go in candlesticks are a lot harder to make than basic candles like THESE that you just pour into a container, so typically I don’t make them myself. I know right?! Something I don’t stubbornly insist on making myself? That is shocking!
But I am still definitely stubborn about buying candles that are 100% beeswax and aren’t made with any paraffin wax. So I was thrilled when I heard from Parisienne Farmgirl about these beeswax candles from azure, and I instantly went and bought several packs!

One of my favorite things is to light a candle or two, or three, right after I have finished cleaning the kitchen and set them on the counter next to the sink, or the table. Just to really bring the finishing touch to a nice clean, cozy, inviting, and nourishing kitchen. I’d love it if that was a memory my kids had someday when they were all grown. The candles burning in a freshly cleaned kitchen where all of us were gathered around.
Nathan Clark George
This is some of my favorite Christian music. It was written by a Reformed pastor and is so refreshing and sound. We used to listen to his music all the time as I was growing up, and now I love going back to it and listening with my own children. I especially love his albums that are Psalms. Getting the Word in our home in different formats such as song is so important!

I am a bit of a podcast junkie. I love being able to learn about all sorts of things while still getting things done around the house or caring for the children. I have about 30 podcasts that range from home birth to healthy eating, but lately these two have stood out as my favorites.
Wise Traditions
Have y’all heard of the Weston A. Price foundation? If you’ve been around my blog much you probably have. They share so much good info about eating a healthy traditional foods diet and I recently learned that they had a podcast. I’ve already learned so much from them and I am always excited to see that a new episode is out!
At Home With Sally
Remember that book I recommended to y’all earlier in this post? By Clay Clarkson? Well, this podcast is actually produced by his wife Sally. The Clarksons just seem to emit this joy they have in Christ and it is so refreshing. I went through all of her old podcasts and have added all the ones about parenting and motherhood and I’m slowly working through them, and finding so much encouragement and wisdom as I do.

I hope you all enjoyed hearing about some of the things I’ve been loving this beautiful spring of 2021!
And blessings.
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